Source code for brmp

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from brmp.backend import Backend, data_from_numpy
from import Metadata, code_lengths, makedata, metadata_from_df
from import Family, Normal
from import Fit
from brmp.formula import Formula, parse
from brmp.model import build_model, model_repr
from brmp.model_pre import build_model_pre
from brmp.priors import build_prior_tree
from brmp.pyro_backend import backend as pyro_backend

_default_backend = pyro_backend

def makedesc(formula, metadata, family, priors, code_lengths):
    assert type(formula) == Formula
    assert type(metadata) == Metadata
    assert type(family) == Family
    assert type(priors) == list
    model_desc_pre = build_model_pre(formula, metadata, family, code_lengths)
    prior_tree = build_prior_tree(model_desc_pre, priors)
    return build_model(model_desc_pre, prior_tree)

# TODO: In principle we only need to pass `code_length(contrasts)`
# here. The actual coding isn't required until we see data.

def define_model(formula_str, metadata, family=None, priors=None, contrasts=None):
    assert type(formula_str) == str
    assert type(metadata) == Metadata
    assert family is None or type(family) == Family
    assert priors is None or type(priors) == list
    assert contrasts is None or type(contrasts) == dict

    family = family or Normal
    priors = priors or []
    contrasts = contrasts or {}

    # TODO: Consider accepting nested arrays as well as numpy arrays.
    # (If we do, convert to numpy arrays here in `define_model`?)
    assert all(type(val) == np.ndarray and len(val.shape) == 2 for val in contrasts.values())

    formula = parse(formula_str)
    desc = makedesc(formula, metadata, family, priors, code_lengths(contrasts))
    return DefineModelResult(formula, metadata, contrasts, desc)

class DefineModelResult:
    def __init__(self, formula, metadata, contrasts, desc):
        self.formula = formula
        self.metadata = metadata
        self.contrasts = contrasts
        self.desc = desc

    def gen(self, backend):
        model = backend.gen(self.desc)
        return GenResult(self, model, backend)

    # Generate design matrices. (Represented as numpy arrays.)
    def encode(self, df):
        return makedata(self.formula, df, self.metadata, self.contrasts)

class GenResult:
    def __init__(self, define_model_result, model, backend):
        assert type(backend) == Backend
        self.define_model_result = define_model_result
        self.model = model
        self.backend = backend

    def encode(self, df):
        data = self.define_model_result.encode(df)
        return data_from_numpy(self.backend, data)

    def run_algo(self, name, data, *args, **kwargs):
        samples = getattr(self.backend, name)(data, self.model, *args, **kwargs)
        return Fit(self.define_model_result.formula, self.define_model_result.metadata,
                   self.define_model_result.contrasts, data,
                   self.define_model_result.desc, self.model, samples, self.backend)

[docs]def brm(formula_str, df, family=None, priors=None, contrasts=None): """ Defines a model and encodes data in design matrices. By default categorical columns are coded using dummy coding. :param formula_str: An lme4 formula. e.g. ``'y ~ 1 + x'``. See :class:`~brmp.formula.Formula` for a description of the supported syntax. :type formula_str: str :param df: A data frame containing columns for each of the variables in ``formula_str``. :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param family: The model's response family. :type family: :param priors: A list of :class:`~brmp.priors.Prior` instances describing the model's priors. :type priors: list :param contrasts: A dictionary that optionally maps variable names to contrast matrices describing custom encodings of categorical variables. Each contrast matrix should be a :class:`~numpy.ndarray` of shape ``(L, C)``, where ``L`` is the number of levels present in the categorical variable and ``C`` is the length of the desired encoding. :type contrasts: dict :return: A wrapper around the model description and the design matrices. :rtype: brmp.ModelAndData Example:: df = pd.DataFrame({'y': [1., 2.], 'x': [.5, 0.]}) model = brm('y ~ 1 + x', df) """ assert type(formula_str) == str assert type(df) == pd.DataFrame assert family is None or type(family) == Family assert priors is None or type(priors) == list assert contrasts is None or type(contrasts) == dict metadata = metadata_from_df(df) define_model_result = define_model(formula_str, metadata, family, priors, contrasts) data = define_model_result.encode(df) return ModelAndData(define_model_result, df, data)
[docs]class ModelAndData: def __init__(self, define_model_result, df, data): self.define_model_result = define_model_result self.df = df # TODO: Turn this into a `@property` to improve generate docs? = data """ A dictionary with the encoded data as its values. Each value is a :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. """ # We might eventually want to cache generated assets. This # will likely be particularly useful once it's possible to # cache compiled NumPyro models on the `Model` instance. # Once we have this, we can extend `nuts` etc. to take an # extra (optional) `df` argument, enabling the model to be fit # with a data frame other than that used to define the model. # This would be passed to `run_algo` (as a keyword argument) # which already implements the required logic. # One thing we might consider adding with this is checks to # ensure that such a data frame is compatible (in an # appropriate sense) with the data frame used to define the # model. def run_algo(self, name, backend, *args, df=None, **kwargs): assert type(backend) == Backend data = self.define_model_result.encode(df) if df is not None else gen_result = self.define_model_result.gen(backend) return gen_result.run_algo(name, data_from_numpy(backend, data), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fit(self, algo='nuts', **kwargs): """ Fits the wrapped model. :param algo: The algorithm used for inference, either ``'nuts'``, ``'svi'`` or ``'prior'``. :type algo: str :param kwargs: Inference algorithm-specific keyword arguments. See :func:`~brmp.ModelAndData.nuts`, :func:`~brmp.ModelAndData.svi` and :func:`~brmp.ModelAndData.prior` for details. :return: A model fit. :rtype: Example:: fit = brm('y ~ x', df).fit() """ assert algo in ['prior', 'nuts', 'svi'] return getattr(self, algo)(**kwargs)
[docs] def nuts(self, iter=10, warmup=None, num_chains=1, seed=None, backend=None): """ Fit the model using NUTS. :param iter: The number of (post warm up) samples to take. :type iter: int :param warmup: The number of warm up samples to take. Warm up samples are not included in the final model fit. Defaults to ``iter / 2``. :type warmup: int :param num_chains: The number of chains to run. :type num_chains: int :param seed: Random seed. :type seed: int :param backend: The backend used to perform inference. :type backend: brmp.backend.Backend :return: A model fit. :rtype: Example:: fit = brm('y ~ x', df).nuts() """ warmup = iter // 2 if warmup is None else warmup if backend is None: backend = _default_backend return self.run_algo('nuts', backend, iter, warmup, num_chains, seed)
[docs] def svi(self, iter=10, num_samples=10, seed=None, backend=None, **kwargs): """ Fit the model using stochastic variational inference. :param iter: The number of optimisation steps to take. :type iter: int :param num_samples: The number of samples to take from the variational posterior. :type num_samples: int :param seed: Random seed. :type seed: int :param backend: The backend used to perform inference. :type backend: brmp.backend.Backend :return: A model fit. :rtype: Example:: fit = brm('y ~ x', df).svi() """ if backend is None: backend = _default_backend return self.run_algo('svi', backend, iter, num_samples, seed, **kwargs)
[docs] def prior(self, num_samples=10, seed=None, backend=None): """ Sample from the prior. :param num_samples: The number of samples to take. :type num_samples: int :param seed: Random seed. :type seed: int :param backend: The backend used to perform inference. :type backend: brmp.backend.Backend :return: A model fit. :rtype: Example:: fit = brm('y ~ x', df).prior() """ if backend is None: backend = _default_backend return self.run_algo('prior', backend, num_samples, seed)
def __repr__(self): return model_repr(self.define_model_result.desc)