Source code for brmp.backend

from collections import namedtuple

# This is a sketch of the interfaces that each backend is expected to
# implement.
# Each backend makes use of a backend specific type called `ps`. For
# the pyro/numpyro backends this is torch tensors/numpy arrays
# respectively. (Note that we don't assume that this type will be
# iterable.)
# The `prior`, `nuts` & `svi` methods on `Backend` are all expected to
# return a `fit.Samples` instance. A `Samples` instance has the
# following methods:
# `Samples#raw_samples`
# The raw samples collected by inference. Not currently used.
# `Samples#get_param` :: (string, bool) -> ps
# This returns all of the samples collected for a particular parameter
# (of the given name) as an instance of (backend specific) type `ps`.
# The boolean flag indicates whether the returned samples should be
# grouped by MCMC chain. (Algorithms that don't support multiple
# chains should group all samples by a single dummy chain when
# necessary.) By parameter we mean something like "b", the vector of
# all population level coefficients. (The function
# `model.parameter_names` describes the set of parameters implied by a
# given model. `get_param` should support all of the parameter names
# returned by `model.parameter_names` for the current model.) e.g. For
# the Pyro backend this returns a torch tensor with shape number of
# samples by length of parameter.
# `Samples#location` :: dict string ps -> ps
# This take as argument a data set D (assumed to be compatible with
# the model and stored in the backend specific representation) and
# returns the value of `mu` (the output of the model before applying
# any inverse link function) for each combination of sample and
# element (data point) of D. (D may or may not be the data on which
# inference was performed.) For Pyro, this would return a torch tensor
# with shape number of samples by len(D).
# The methods `from_numpy` and `to_numpy` on `Backend` convert
# instances of the backend specific type `ps` from and to numpy
# arrays.
# Backend#from_numpy :: ndarray -> ps
# Backend#to_numpy :: ps -> ndarray
# The method `gen` on `Backend` takes a `model.ModelDesc` and produces
# a `Model` instance. This is a container holding generated code and
# the methods produced by evaluating it. At present, this is shared by
# both back ends, but this doesn't have to be the case. This `Model`
# instance is handed to backend inference (and other) methods, giving
# them access to the results of code generation.
# Backend#expected_response :: (Model, ps, ps, ...) -> ps
# TODO: Explain the order of the arguments.
# A method that computes (element-wise) the mean of the response
# distribution of the model. It is expected that callers will ensure
# that one of the arguments will be a number of samples by number of
# data points collection of model outputs. (e.g. The output of
# `Samples#location`.) The expectation is that (internally) this will
# be passed through the inverse link function and used as the location
# parameter of the response distribution. For each of the remaining
# parameters of the response distribution the caller should also pass
# a number of samples by 1 collection of sampled parameter values.
# (The shapes differ because only the location parameter can depend on
# the data at present.) This method is used internally by `fitted`.
# `Backend#inv_link` :: (Model, ps) -> ps
# A method implementing the model's inverse link function. This is
# used by `fitted` to map (element-wise) the output of
# `fit.Samples#location` to the location parameter of the response
# distribution.
# `Backend#sample_response` :: (Model, int, ps, ps, ...) -> ps
# This is analogous to `expected_response` but returning a sample
# rather than the expected value.

[docs]class Backend(namedtuple('Backend', 'name gen prior nuts svi ' + 'sample_response expected_response inv_link ' + 'from_numpy to_numpy')): def __repr__(self): return '<Backend name="{}">'.format(
# Map `from_numpy` over a dict of numpy arrays, (As produced by e.g. # `makedata`.) def data_from_numpy(backend, data): assert type(backend) == Backend assert type(data) == dict return {k: backend.from_numpy(arr) for k, arr in data.items()} # We could have a class that wraps a (function, code) pair, making the # code available via a code property and the function available via # __call__. `Model` could also be callable. Too cute? Assets = namedtuple('Assets', [ 'fn', 'code', 'inv_link_fn', 'inv_link_code', 'expected_response_fn', 'expected_response_code', 'sample_response_fn', 'sample_response_code', ])